Writing Possibilities

Outside The Crease is always looking for new Columnists. If you are interested, please contact Nick Perri at nickpnyrwriter@gmail.com . No previous experience is required, but you must include a sample of your work. If you already write online, please include a link to at least two of your own articles.

Why write for OTC?

  1. OTC is a new blog that was just built, meaning it is a chance to help build a little Blogger site into something big.
  2. There is always the chance for promotion.
  3. It's a great way to gain exposure.

All jobs are NON-PAYING. (For the time being)

We are currently searching for writers to cover the following NHL teams/areas:

NorthEast Division
SouthEast Division
NHL prospects

Please keep in mind that you do NOT need to live in the same city as the team you are covering. Also, OTC is currently on a trial basis, meaning no job is gaurenteed to last. All jobs are NON-PAYING.